9 Useful Driving Tips For Nervous Drivers


Driving is a huge responsibility. Feeling anxiety, it’s completely normal. What is not normal nor healthy is allowing anxiety taking control over your decision of driving. If you are a nervous driver and want to know how to get confidence in driving; then you are at the right place.

This article is written for nervous drivers that are willing to regain control over their emotions and fears. Read on: Driving Tips For Nervous Drivers

1. Understanding the real problem

From a psychological point of view, what makes you nervous is fear. Fear of collision is the number one concern of most drivers, not only nervous ones. What you need to understand is that fear is an emotion, in this case, based on events that may not ever happen. Our first tip for nervous drivers is concentrating on facts, not emotions.

If you obtained your driving license is because you have all that is needed for driving safely. Don’t let fear imprison you. Fight it. There are plenty of books and information about how to overcome common fears. The more you read, the more you will understand that you are in control of the situation.

2. Driving during daylight could help in defeating the fear of driving

It may sound obvious, but a good tip for nervous drivers is starting from an advantageous position. Driving during daylight with excellent weather conditions is your “high ground” in the battle against nerves. Choose driving when all is in your favor. That will boost your confidence in the short term. Don’t risk your progress by driving during a night with rain or adverse weather conditions.

3. Practicing your driving is better when you feel comfortable

Once you gain some confidence, you may feel tempted to venture driving in the highway or any other complex situation like heavy traffic urban areas. That’s good, but keep in mind that you will have a better chance of success with an adequate mental state. Wait until you feel comfortable with your progress before trying new things. There is no rush. Avoid anxiety, start increasing difficulty little by little.

4. Listening to upbeat music may help you more than you think

Music calm nerves. That’s an undeniable fact. If you didn’t try it yet, listen to upbeat music while driving. A word of caution though, avoid listening to distracting music. You need to calm down your nerves, without distracting from the road. Just choose music that relaxes you and then listen to it at a moderate volume level.

5. Having someone with you could decrease your anxiety

Another top tip for nervous drivers is asking someone to be with you while driving. Having someone to talk with has a similar effect than listening to upbeat music. However, avoid getting distracted by the conversation. Our tip is more about feeling the moral support of someone seated at your side, not introducing a distracting element.

6. Taking a driving course may help you gain confidence

Taking a driving course, even when you know how to drive, should not be considered as a setback, but as a reinforcement to your skills. Hiring a quality driving instructor is one of the best investment you can make. There are plenty of specialized courses designed to boost your skills and thus your confidence.

You can even take a defensive driving course. That will enhance all your skill and provide you with a plethora of tools that will improve your safety while driving.

7. Driving in known areas is better at first

This tip for nervous drivers is similar to the driving during daylight tip. The main idea is choosing a situation where you feel comfortable. Driving in known areas will keep you relaxed. You already know where are the traffic lights, the crosswalks, the junctions, etc. No surprises. Planning a daily route, where you can choose avoiding high traffic roads is a good strategy in order to build up your confidence.

8. Using a traffic app could help you to remain calm

Technology main goal is helping mankind. In this case, using a traffic app could help you remain calm and relaxed while driving. How?

Modern traffic apps use real-time information about traffic conditions and alert you if there is an accident or other adverse condition in the road. The perception of being in control is fundamental to avoid anxiety while you drive, traffic app information gives you that, a sense of control over the situation.

9. Maintaining the calm is crucial while you drive

No matter how much you practice, how familiar is the road, how good is your traffic app, you will always be exposed to other motorists. It’s really important to understand that other drivers have nothing against you. However, a situation where you find a bad driver is always possible. In those few cases, remember, you are in control. Let the other car pass, or simply pull over and drink a good cup of tea.

Remember, if you’re a nervous driver, you’re not alone. For many of us, driving a car can create a big deal of anxiety and stress.

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